Monday, August 11, 2008

St. Antonio Maria Claret

His Experience: St. Anthony Maria Claret experienced the pain of unwanted intrusive thoughts similar to the intrusive thoughts experienced by people with OCD.

There was a moment in his youth when he was surprised by blasphemous thoughts against the Virgin Mary. He loved the Virgin and these thoughts were terribly disturbing, unwanted and uncalled for. He also experienced equally disturbing angry toughts towards his own mother whom he loved deeply and who was a great woman and mother.

His solution: Calmly he increased his love to the Virgin by more prayer and increased his love for his mother with more kindness and gentleness. All this trusting in God. After a while the intrusive thoughts were dispeled, but his main focus was not on getting the thoughts to disappear. His main concern was simply to love.

Message: Loving God and Loving others always brings healing.

1 comment:

Sister Mary Martha said...

You might also want to look into the life of St. John of God. He bumbled around until he finally ended up in a mental institution..not a happy place in his day...and came out very well.